Posted 9 years 1 month 2 weeks ago.

The easiest way to get started with Drupal is to do some stuff with Drupal, without writing any code. Yes, there is a module for everything in Drupal. But what makes Drupal even more powerful is how you could get these modules work together, again without any coding!


So, What is a Drupal Site Building Recipe?

Well it could be a bunch of modules that you could put together to build a site that accomplishes a set goal. A set of instructions on how you configured the modules to work together would make the recipe even more interesting.


Recipes are so popular with Drupal, that Drupal Documentation has a dedicated page that lists popular recipes contributed by the community -


The same is the reason why you find so many “cookbooks” for Drupal that try to teach Drupal using recipes!



A recipe could show how to achieve something using a Drupal Site. A few examples from the existing list from the documentation:


Well, it does not stop there! If you wish to make your recipe easily accessible and configurable, you could also go a step further and consider building a distro that makes setting up your recipe even more easier!


“Distributions (distros) provide site features and functions for a specific type of site as a single download containing Drupal core, contributed modules, themes, and pre-defined configuration. They make it possible to quickly set up a complex, use-specific site in fewer steps than if installing and configuring elements individually.“


You can find the popular distros listed here. Commerce Kickstart is a great example which allows any Drupal Site Builder to setup a fully functional ecommerce site in minutes. Conference Organizing Distribution is another great distribution that has been enabling Event Organizers around the world in setting up an event site in minutes!


With Drupal 8 around the corner, the need for such recipes and distros is even greater than it was ever before.

  • How can you set up faceted search on a Drupal 8 site?

  • How can you setup a video player on Drupal 8 site?

  • How could I build a site like Stack Exchange using Drupal?

  • What are the options available for setting up a Multilingual Site in Drupal?

  • What are the module options available? Which one should I choose? How is one different or better than the other?


- These are all questions that have been discussed, answered, and documented for D7. With D8 around, all of these questions become relevant again and need some mind blowing recipes to help users understand the options available, to choose the ones that fit them best and to learn about how to use them.


Have you accomplished something significant with Drupal recently that you would like to showcase?  Do you have a new D8 recipe, or a new distro that you are working on, that you would like to present at the next Drupalcon happening in India? Here is your chance!


Only a few days left before Drupalcon Asia closes its door to session proposals on November 2nd. Submit your session proposal for the Site Building Track @


Also, besides recipes, there is a bunch of other stuff that you could present in the Site Building track. Check out the track description for more details and suggested topics. You can also check out the current proposed sessions here.


See you at the con with your recipe. Meanwhile, Keep cooking!

Submitted by tanay on Tue, 10/20/2015 - 05:14