Posted 11 years 11 months ago.

I use StatCounter on one of my content sites With so much of traffic from search engines, the guy who maintains the website suggested that we show the incoming search terms on the pages of the site, so as to show the keywords on the site. 

Wordpress has many plugins that for that. Since we run Drupal, a quick search showed that there are some module available for Drupal too.

Search Engine Referrers - No 7.x version
Searck Keywords - No 7.x version
Incoming Search Terms - A Sandbox Module

Though there is a statcounter module for Drupal, the module only sticks to the basic of inserting the counter code into the site, with granular contol over where the counter shoud be loaded. This could however be easily achived by copy-pasting the code in a Drupal Custom Block and configuring the block as needed. The module does not (at least yet) provide any integration with the API to show the incoming search terms.

Though the sandbox module looked very close to what I needed, I was not very happy with the idea of processing the referreal url to get the search query. The pattern of the referer url could vary from search engine to search engine. Also Google has stopped providing the search keywords in the referer url for logged in users. So I decided to not spend anytime in processing the referer url and take that from the statcounter api.

Built this Drupal Module, which when configured with any Statcounter Paid account (Only Paid accounts get statcounter API access), will provide 2 Drupal Blocks, that can be placed anywhere on the page.

The first block, shows the recent keywords that users searched and reached the particular page. The block is dynamic and takes the page(node) id from the context and works on all pages. Each keyword is shown as plain text, separated by a comma. This is supposed to increase the keyword intensity on the page.

The second block, is similar to the first block, but shows the keywords for all the pages, linking to the landing page related to that keyword.

Currently has a search traffic amounting to 10% of the total traffic, which has phenomenally raised in the past few days. Should wait and see if this module helps bring up that figure.

The module is now being used on the production site of . The statcounter Drupal Module for Incoming search terms was built solely for the purpose of . I have not released it to the public as an open-source Drupal Module.

Submitted by tanay on Mon, 12/31/2012 - 10:40