Posted 7 years 8 months 2 weeks ago.

If there is anything in which #Drupal 7 is better than Drupal 8, it is the learning ecosystem that D7 had around it, which D8 lacks.

But there is a way you can help make the situation better, like I just did. I voted for Prasad Shirgaonkar who is running for the "Director At-Large' position on the board of the Drupal Association!


Prasad Shir, fondly called "Prasad Sir” by most people that know him, is one of the best technical trainers and technical content creators that I have ever seen.

He has been involved in building over 200 Drupal projects worldwide, trained hundreds of developers and several corporate teams to bring them onto the Drupal platform, has been a part of the core team at Acquia that built Drupal Certification. He has been a speaker at multiple DrupalCons and DrupalCamps.

Besides designing and running the Drupal certifications, Prasad has produced some of the best technical resources available for D8, some of which you might have already consumed unknowingly, if you have used one of those Drupal certification guides published by Acquia. He leads all our training effort in Acquia India, and is also a regular trainer at most of the community training programs that happen in India camps.

Prasad has volunteered to nominate himself for the Drupal Board's Directory At-Large position on the insistence of a large number of his fans like myself in the Drupal community, and I sincerely believe he can give the much-needed push that the Drupal Learning Ecosystem requires at this point of time.

Should he be elected, he will be the right guy, at the right place to make Drupal learning a better experience for the large and ever-growing Drupal community.

You can vote @…/2017-directo…/post/director-large by moving Prasad's pic to the top above the orange line!

Submitted by tanay on Thu, 03/16/2017 - 00:29